Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wisconsin News Of Recall Elections

Republicans retain majority control of the Wisconsin Senate in a recall election spurred by Republican Governor Scott Walker's agenda of cutting-unionized state workers' rights.
Four GOP state senators deflected recall vote, while Democrats picked up two seats in the recall election. The last race ended just before noon at the State Senator Alberta Darling retained her seat, defeating the Democratic challenger Sandy Pasch. Darling unofficial figures were 54 percent of the vote compared to 46 percent to Pasch.
Three other Republicans kept their seats: Senator Rob Cowles and Senator Sheila Harsdorf Allouez of River Falls, and Luther Olsen of Ripon. All three reports from their Democratic challengers according to unofficial results Tuesday, according to ABC affiliate WISN-TV in Milwaukee.
Despite the failure of her party to take control of the state of Wisconsin to win Senate, state Sen. Lena Taylor, a Democrat, said that the fact that so many people signed petitions for the recall is what counts.
"If we win two, we doubled what happened in the history of the state for the calling of the State Senators. So I think this is huge," she said Wednesday. "The people speak. And people say, if nothing else, hundreds of thousands of people in Wisconsin have said they are completely frustrated with what they have seen."
Democrats were able to successfully recall Republican Senator Dan Kapanke, state Rep. Jennifer Shilling with democratic La Crosse taking the chair. The first results Shilling had taken 55 percent of the vote compared to 45 percent for Kapanke.
Jessica King, 34, another Democrat, defeated Republican Sen. Randy Hopper of Fond du Lac. With all field reports, King Hopper led 51 percent to 49 percent.
Two Democratic incumbent faces recall next week, but even if the Democrats win they will still be in the minority.
The recall election also helps to determine whether the Wisconsin Republican Party, led by Walker, will regain momentum or has suffered a major setback, since it swept to power in 2010. Both Republicans and Democrats were testing messages ahead of the 2012 presidential race, in which Wisconsin is expected to be an important swing state.
Outside groups poured millions of dollars to the state of television advertising and get-out-the-vote efforts. Democrats' goal was to have three of the seats to take control of the state Senate Republicans to get and set the stage for such collective bargaining and the budget battles in other states.
The recall effort began in January when the Republican governor of Scott Walker took office and the Republicans gained control of the state legislature, submitting a budget aimed at simplicity and reducing the rising costs of public employee benefits by eliminating collective bargaining for all public employees except police and firefighters.
Democrats in the state legislature left the state to avoid voting on the measure, while thousands of demonstrators on both sides of the issue flooded the capital to protest or support Walker's move. Walker after signing the legislation, Democrats began gathering signatures on petitions to specific senators who were eligible to be called.
Republicans responded in kind, saying Democrats abandoned their duty. Enough signatures were collected at six Republicans and two Democrats target.
The level of campaign spending is unprecedented, especially considering it is a recall effort. Spending was estimated at about $ 28 million from outside groups on both sides of the aisle and about $ 5 million spent by the candidates themselves, according to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.
Wisconsin Democracy Campaign officials estimate of expenditure between the two sides were even, but the group will be a full accounting of the expenditures after the election and will make a clearer picture of whether the totals were even.
Both parties were so financially and invested on the ground because of the national message sends a victory on both sides.
The Tea Party Express went on a nine-city, get-out-the-vote tour in Wisconsin, which ended with a rally Monday night in the Green Bay area.
Tea Party Express chairman Amy Kremer was clear about the national Fallout as the Republicans were not successful in preserving the state legislature. The movement has generated "excited crowd," she said, but a loss today would give Democrats the "courage" for similar efforts in other states pay.
"If conservatives do not have the support of the right thing to do in Wisconsin, this will happen in the states across the country," said Kremer. "In Wisconsin, Republicans and the Governor Walker were able to balance the budget in such a short time, growth in job creation, and people back to work."
Kelly Steele, a spokesman for We are Wisconsin, a political action committee of labor, progressive and liberal groups who work for the recall election win, said: "enthusiasm are as high as it is" on their side.
He agreed that although the struggle began with the protests after Walker moved to collective bargaining rights for all public employees except police and fire end, it has spread to other states.
"One thing Wisconsin does when working families and communities are attacked, they will stand up and fight for the values ​​they expect of their government, and their voices will be heard," said Steele, notes that all six Republicans won their place in 2008 when Obama won the state by 14 points and that "none of these neighborhoods are easy."
Ross agreed that although the fight was born from Wisconsin problems, it is a "dry run" for both national Democrats and Republicans in 2012.
"Barack Obama can not win the presidency without Wisconsin in 2011," Ross said of Wisconsin have gone Democratic every presidential election since 1976 except for the Reagan victory in 1984.
"People are motivated and in turn, a more friendly environment [in the state legislature] may be a way for them," he said. "It is a dry trail ahead of where they can micro-target voters, and the leaves of the next autumn."
Two more recall election next week. Two Democratic senators facing recall on Aug. 16.

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