Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rick Perry On Running For President

Can the self-described "most conservative" Republican presidential run and win in California? Rick Perry says he could, and he plans to win his party nomination.
The governor of Texas is expected to officially announce his candidacy in the next week, a process that begins with stops in the early-voting state of South Carolina and New Hampshire on Saturday.
In a new interview with Mark Halperin, Time magazine, Perry said he was now becoming comfortable with the idea that "this is what I should do."
"I've got peace in my heart," he said.
Perry outlined the foundation of his campaign, he said, to pursue in Washington the same course he's in Austin followed for the past ten years: keep spending and taxes low, have a fair and "predictable" regulatory environment, and, in his words, "have a legal system that does not allow for over-complaining."
That may sound like conservative standard text, but Perry said he comes, and it worked - Texas has endured the recession "is better than any other state in terms of employment."
Asked if he was the race as the most conservative candidate to run, Perry said: "Yes, I do not think there is any doubt." But the single Democrat said his campaign would be grounded in his record and not to throw red meat to the faithful.
"I will [my record] against those who run and in particular against the president we have today, their track record is abysmal," he said.
As governor, Perry has fostered a rivalry with California, touting how often he enticed businesses to relocate in Texas. Although the Republicans have in the presidential election other than an occasional fundraising trip avoided, Perry says he thinks he could compete there.
"I'm realistic enough to know that California is a pretty high hurdle for a Republican but I'm going to go out and I'm a story that [make] a lot of people. - - Independents and even some Democrats - look at me and go, 'That's the kind of person that we can figure out. ""

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